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Articles from Chris Wesner Law Office LLC

Regular Income for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

A Troy, Ohio Bankruptcy Attorney Explains Regular Income for Chapter 13

You’ve made the brave decision to file for bankruptcy, but you know you
don’t qualify for Chapter 7. And that’s fine because Chapter 13 is going
to allow you to repay your debt and still have the ability to get back on the
right financial track. In order to qualify for Chapter 13, you must be able to
prove you take in a steady and reliable income. Here, we’ll explain exactly
what regular income is when qualifying for Chapter 13. 

Involuntary 7 and 11 Bankruptcy

Chapter 7 and Chapter 11 Bankruptcies. 

bankruptcy laws are often associated with providing relief for debtors.  However, the bankruptcy code also provides
tools for creditors to compel unwilling debtors to either liquidate assets, or
reorganize their debts in an effort to repay creditors. 

Troy, Ohio Bankruptcy Attorney Explains Bankruptcy Counseling Requirements

As a Troy, Ohio bankruptcy attorney, I often find that potential clients do not understand bankruptcy counseling requirements. With very few exceptions, anyone who is filing Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy must participate in both pre-bankruptcy counseling and pre-discharge counseling. The exceptions are:

Conquer Your Fears By Consulting with an Experienced Troy, Ohio Bankruptcy Attorney

It’s human nature to hold out for a hopeful solution when things are going bad, even when it’s a financial crisis. When money problems arise, people have a tendency to look for ways out that include selling their home, taking on another job or selling other valuable assets. It seems as though filing for bankruptcy is pushed to the back-burner until things are at their absolute worst. While filing for bankruptcy is a big decision, it’s one that should be considered when you find yourself in troubling financial times.

A Troy, Ohio Bankruptcy Attorney Explains the Importance of Understanding the Bankruptcy Process

One of the most common questions people ask themselves and experienced Troy, Ohio bankruptcy attorneys when considering filing for bankruptcy is whether they should file, or if they should consider other alternatives. This is a difficult question that really has no set answer.

Troy, Ohio Bankruptcy Attorney Discusses Debt Collection Abuse

You should never suffer abuse or harassment just because you owe a debt. However, as a Troy, Ohio Bankruptcy Attorney, I have heard many horror stories. People sometimes fall on hard times. We all make mistakes and getting in over our head is stressful enough. This is why, in 1977, Congress passed the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Consumers needed  protection from the abuses of debt collections.

Troy, Ohio Bankruptcy Attorney Talks About the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act

If you are one of the millions of Americans who have never had to deal with a debt collector, count yourself lucky. As a Troy, Ohio Bankruptcy Attorney, I often discuss the importance of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) with clients and how it applies to bankruptcy. The FDCPA is a federal law created to protect consumers from deceptive and abusive debt collection practices.

Troy, Ohio Bankruptcy Attorney On Saving Money 1/2

If you are facing bankruptcy in Ohio and trying to make ends meet, creating a plan for moving forward is essential. Part of this plan involves figuring out your financial goals and saving money. Even with limited funds, many people feel the need to save money for emergencies or future plans. Here are some things to consider when building a savings.

To File Or Not To File

Troy, Ohio Bankruptcy Attorney On Saving Money 2/2

In our last post, we talked about how everyone needs to save money. You might need to consult a Troy, Ohio bankruptcy attorney first, but here is some more information about creating savings funds.

Organizing Your Savings

Creating a savings involves more than just sticking spare cash in a box under the bed or a jar above the refrigerator. You will likely need more than one fund for short-term and long-term goals and emergencies.

Are you one of thousands of Ohioans filing for bankruptcy? Contact a Troy, Ohio bankruptcy attorney

Student Loan Debt
Crushed by debt