Rochelle's Daily Wire

ABI Exclusive

May 24, 2018

The appeals court avoids ruling broadly on the ability of a golden share or blocking provision to bar a company from filing bankruptcy voluntarily.

March 20, 2018

For swaps, the Section 560 safe harbor overrides the anti-ipso facto provisions in the Bankruptcy Code.
For swaps, the Section 560 safe harbor overrides the anti-ipso facto provisions in the Bankruptcy Code.

February 27, 2018

Intermediate transfers to financial institutions do not trigger the safe harbor.
Intermediate transfers to financial institutions do not trigger the safe harbor.

January 25, 2018

The Fifth Circuit is being asked to decide whether loan structuring can prevent a borrower from filing bankruptcy.
The Fifth Circuit is being asked to decide whether loan structuring can prevent a borrower from filing bankruptcy.

October 23, 2017

Till doesn’t apply in fixing cramdown interest rates in major corporate reorganizations, circuit says.

January 19, 2017

Appeals court focuses on the methods, not the result, in looking for a TIA violation.
Appeals court focuses on the methods, not the result, in looking for a TIA violation.