What’s So Unique About Health Care Cases? Attributes, Challenges and Solutions for Sick Health Care Organizations Bankruptcy Code: 101, 303, 333, 351, 363, 365, 503, 704, 1106, 1112, 362 Bankruptcy Rules: 2015.2, 6011 Topics: Health Care The Role of a Patient Care Ombudsman in a Business Bankruptcy Winter Leadership Conference Bankruptcy Code: 101, 333, 704, 705, 1102 Bankruptcy Rules: 1007, 2007.2, 2015.1, 2015.2 Topics: Health Care Health Care Insolvency 24th Annual Central States Bankruptcy Workshop Bankruptcy Code: 106, 1334, 330, 333, 351, 365, 503, 705, 901, 1102, 1141, 362 Bankruptcy Rules: 1007, 1021, 2007.2, 2015.2, 9014, 6011 Topics: Health Care