WORKSHOP: Fraud, Frenzy and the Future: Unmasking Deceit in Complex Bankruptcy Cases 2023 Winter Leadership Conference Topics: Fraud, Commercial Fraud, Telecom/Tech Ethical Issues of Remote Practice and Remote Clients, and Debtor’s Counsel’s Duty to Investigate Bankruptcy Code: 329, 341, 526, 527, 528, 707 Bankruptcy Rules: 9011, 5005 Topics: Ethics, Practice and Procedure, Telecom/Tech ABI Talks: Bankruptcy Ideas Worth Sharing Bankruptcy Code: 341, 347, 542, 554, 725, 727, 1116, 1141, 1325, 1328, 1322 Bankruptcy Rules: 3002.1, 1007, 2012, 2017, 4004, 9006, 9014, 5009, 7001, 7058, 8002, 8003, 8006, 8011 Topics: Bankruptcy Litigation, Financial Advisors, Legislation, Practice and Procedure, Telecom/Tech Ethics and AI Topics: Ethics, Practice and Procedure, Telecom/Tech Artificial Intelligence 2023 Southwest Bankruptcy Conference Bankruptcy Code: 362 Bankruptcy Rules: 9011 Topics: Practice and Procedure, Telecom/Tech Ethical Implications on the Use of AI in Legal Practice Topics: Ethics, Practice and Procedure, Telecom/Tech Crypto Topics: Valuation, Business Reorganization, Telecom/Tech The Global Metaverse Market: Valuing Property in the Next Frontier (We’re Not in Kansas Anymore) Topics: Valuation, Telecom/Tech Let’s Chat[a]bot It: Ethical Considerations for Using Artificial Intelligence and ChatGPT in Law Practice 2023 Annual Spring Meeting Bankruptcy Code: 330 Topics: Ethics, Telecom/Tech Who Has the Energy? Restructuring Trends in an Ever-Changing Industry Winter Leadership Conference Bankruptcy Code: 524(g), 363, 365 Topics: Business Reorganization, Telecom/Tech Pages« first ‹ previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 next › last »