The "New Lenders:" Second-Lien Financing, "Loan to Own," DIPs to Sell and Other Problems of Nontraditional Players in the Distress-Lending Market Winter Leadership Conference 20062006Bankruptcy Code: 105361363365510110211291126Bankruptcy Rule: 30013018Topics: Automatic StayPractice and ProcedureBusiness ReorganizationFinance and Banking Links Please sign in to access Materials or click here to join ABI.
The "New Lenders:" Second-Lien Financing, "Loan to Own," DIPs to Sell and Other Problems of Nontraditional Players in the Distress-Lending Market Winter Leadership Conference 20062006Bankruptcy Code: 105361363365510110211291126Bankruptcy Rule: 30013018Topics: Automatic StayPractice and ProcedureBusiness ReorganizationFinance and Banking Links Please sign in to access Materials or click here to join ABI.