VALCON 2016: Emerging Valuation Issues in Bankruptcy and Beyond
March 14-16, 2016 Four Seasons Hotel Las Vegas, Las Vegas
On behalf of our distinguished faculty and advisory board, we are pleased to invite you to attend VALCON 2016 at the Four Seasons Hotel in Las Vegas. VALCON 2016 is a unique opportunity to meet some of the leading professionals and dealmakers in the distressed debt, restructuring and valuation industry. If you are a dealmaker, fund investor, or financial or legal advisor, you’ll want to join us!
A joint program of the American Bankruptcy Institute, Association of Insolvency & Restructuring Advisors (AIRA) and The University of Texas School of Law
Earn up to 14.25/17 hours of CLE/CPE credit, including 1 hour of ethics!
*AIRA Members: Please contact Michael Johnson at 703-739-0800 or at [email protected] to register at the member rate.