Webinar: Fraud and Forensics: The Expert Witness in a Commercial Fraud Case

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Webinar: Fraud and Forensics: The Expert Witness in a Commercial Fraud Case

December 9, 2015

Hosted by the Commercial Fraud Committee

This is the second of three webinars stemming from ABI's recently published book Fraud and Forensics: Piercing Through the Deception in a Commercial Fraud Case. Each webinar takes an in-depth look at areas of specialty, challenge and reward for forensic accountants and the professionals who work with them in commercial fraud cases. The third webinar will be:

  • Fraud and Forensics: The Lawyer and Forensic Accountant Working Together - January TBD

This webinar will focus on the role of the forensic accountant as an expert in a commercial fraud case.  Featuring two authors of the recently published book Fraud and Forensics: Piercing Through the Deception in a Commercial Fraud Case, the presentation will offer tips for both the forensic accountant and the lawyer for writing an effective expert report. Listen also to a retired bankruptcy judge explain what the trier of fact wants to hear in expert testimony and how to deliver persuasive testimony.

DECEMBER 9, 2015

75 Minutes 1:30-2:45 pm ET


ABI Member
Webinar Bundle (includes three webinars plus book): $150
This Webinar Only: $25
This Webinar with Book: $75

Webinar Bundle with Book: $270
This Webinar Only: $195
This Webinar with book: $245

SPEAKERS for December 9, 2015

Kathy Bazoian Phelps, Moderator
Diamond McCarthy LLP
Los Angeles

Melissa Kibler

Hon. Steven W. Rhodes (ret.)
Ann Arbor, Mich.

To register for ALL THREE WEBINARS (the first webinar recording will be sent to you) please click here