2024 Mid-Atlantic Bankruptcy Workshop

August 5-7 | Annapolis, MD

Join ABI in historic Annapolis for family-friendly fun and networking in a relaxed atmosphere at the 2024 Mid-Atlantic Bankruptcy Workshop. Our host hotel, the Annapolis Waterfront Hotel, is full of historical charm and modern comforts, and your gateway to historic Annapolis and the greater Chesapeake Bay area. It is an easy drive from Washington, D.C., Baltimore and Philadelphia.

Learn from a stellar faculty of regional professionals and judges on business-, consumer- and skills-focused topics.

We hope to see you there!

Register Now
Add to Calendar   2024-08-05 14:00:00 2024-08-07 12:15:00 America/New_York 2024 Mid-Atlantic Bankruptcy Workshop
View Attendees

  • Optional Event

    Golf Tournament

    Compete with your friends and colleagues at the annual golf tournament! The $100 fee includes green fee and boxed lunch. Upon registering for the tournament, please email Jennifer Guirguis at [email protected] to schedule your tee time.

  • ABI Registration Desk Open

  • Optional Event

    U.S. Naval Academy Guided Tour

    Join your colleagues for an informative guided walking tour of the Naval Academy and learn all about this historical landmark.

    Sponsored by Miles & Stockbridge

    Miles & Stockbridge logo
  • Opening Reception


    Sponsored by Hirschler Fleischer and SSG Capital Advisors, LLC

    Hirschler Fleischer logo
    SSG logo
  • Partners
  • ABI Registration Desk Open

  • Breakfast


    Sponsored by Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones

    Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones logo
  • Welcome Remarks

  • "40 Under 40" Panel: Professional Growth [No CLE for this Session]

    This interactive and informal panel will discuss pathways to promotion, navigating the judicial selection process or preparing for an award or similar application, and how to effectively promote others applying for recognitions or awards. The panelists also will provide tips for harmonizing personal and professional lives.

  • Refreshment Break


    Sponsored by BakerHostetler

    BakerHostetler logo
  • Concurrent Workshops (2)

    Commercial Real Estate

    For many reasons, distressed commercial real estate appears to be a part of the foreseeable corporate landscape. As businesses wrestle with back-to-the-office issues and retail bankruptcies, the market is bracing for an influx of tenants and landlords struggling with increased interest rates and property owners addressing debt maturities with an often-shrinking tenant base. This panel will help attendees navigate the effects of these issues, and what they could mean for investors and restructuring professionals, by presenting the perspectives of landlords, debtors, committees and lenders, as well as the bench.


    Financial Distress/Good Faith

    This panel will discuss the diverging good-faith and bad-faith standards governing dismissal of bankruptcy petitions under § 1112(b)’s “for cause” provision, including for an alleged lack of financial distress in the wake of the Third Circuit’s LTL decision in 2023. The panelists also will discuss post­-LTL efforts to impose a similar standard in the Fourth Circuit in the Bestwall and Aldrich & Murray cases, which thus far have been unsuccessful.

  • Coffee Break

  • Concurrent Workshops (2)

    How to Get Hired

    This panel will address the basic question that all practitioners want answered: How do we get more work? The answer to this and other questions will come from a panel of in-house counsel in different industries and a bankruptcy judge, who will discuss selecting, hiring and cementing relationships for outside counsel for bankruptcy engagements.


    Oversight Roles

    This panel will engage in a robust discussion and examination of various oversight roles in the restructuring process, based on the panelists' numerous viewpoints.

  • Creditor-on-Creditor Violence, Liability Management and Uptier Transactions

    This panel will cover recent developments in liability-management transactions, a.k.a. creditor-on-creditor violence. The panelists will discuss the mechanics of uptier, drop-down and double-dip transactions, approaching each type of deal from the viewpoints of various parties in interest.

  • Optional Event

    Boat Cruise

    Climb aboard for a cruise around Annapolis. Cost is $30 per person.

    Sponsored by Sullivan Hazeltine Allinson LLC

    Sullivan Hazeltine Allinson LLC logo
  • Dinner


    Sponsored by Morris James LLP. Bar sponsored by YVS Law, LLC

    Morris James LLP logo
    YVS Law, LLC logo
  • Partners
  • ABI Registration Desk Open

  • Breakfast


    Sponsored by McGuireWoods

    McGuireWoods logo
  • Purdue Supreme Court Update

    This panel will analyze three major Supreme Court bankruptcy decisions (Kaiser Gypsum, Purdue Pharma and John Q. Hammons Fall) issued during its 2023-24 term, and the implications of these decisions for pending and future bankruptcy cases.

  • Coffee Break

  • Concurrent Workshops (2)

    Triage for the Healthcare Industry

    This panel will analyze the drivers that are fueling the increasing number of health care bankruptcy filings, as well as the unique challenges facing health care debtors post-petition.


    A Discussion of Critical Issues and Practical Tips for the Subchapter V Trustee and Practitioner

    This panel will provide an overview and discussion of the current status of the law on subchapter V, including any recent legislation and the ABI Subchapter V Task Force's Final Report. The panelists will cover such key legal issues as eligibility, plan confirmation and other topics, the role of the subchapter V trustee both during the case and after plan confirmation, and important post-confirmation issues such as plan defaults and reporting.

  • Coffee Break

  • Rule 2014: Beyond “Disclose Disclose Disclose"

    Bankruptcy practitioners are all familiar with the old adage “disclose, disclose, disclose” when it comes to disclosures of connections under Bankruptcy Rule 2014 in a retention application. But what exactly makes a disclosure meaningful, and how does one ensure that relevant information is disclosed? This panel will explore the gray areas between our ethical obligations as attorneys, the requirements imposed by the Bankruptcy Code and Rules, and practical limitations of bankruptcy disclosures for estate professionals.

  • Adjourn

  • Partners
(by 6/10/24)
(after 7/8/24)
Registration Rates*
ABI Member
New ABI Member**
Govt./Nonprofit ABI Member
New Govt./Nonprofit ABI Member**
Consumer (Debtor)***
Exhibitor Rates
ABI Member Exhibitor Registration
New ABI Member Exhibitor Registration****
Additional Booth Representative
* Registration and exhibitor rates include the Opening Reception, Friday and Saturday Breakfasts, and all refreshment breaks.
** Includes a one-year ABI membership for first-time members only — a $425 value! You must be an ABI member to attend. Membership is individual and nonrefundable. If your ABI membership has expired, select the member rate and add in your ABI membership-renewal fee.
*** This rate is available only to full-time consumer debtor attorneys. Members will be designated as a consumer debtor specialist in the online membership directory for consumer conference rates.
**** Includes a one-year ABI membership.
Adult Guest
Child Guest
(12 and under)
Optional Events
Opening Reception Registrant
Boat Cruise
Dinner and Dancing Registrant

ABI DEFINES A “GUEST” AS A SPOUSE, CHILD OR COMPANION — NOT A PROFESSIONAL COLLEAGUE. A professional colleague is defined as someone who consults with or is employed by an organization whose members are eligible for ABI membership. If a professional colleague is found to be registered as a guest, ABI reserves the right to cancel his or her event registration. Any person not meeting the criteria of “guest” who wishes to participate in any ABI function at the conference is required to register separately at the full conference rate.

Cancellation Policy

All fees, except a $75 handling fee, will be refunded if written notice of cancellation is received by July 15, 2024. No refunds will be granted after July 15, but substitutions will be allowed. After July 15, upon written request, a coupon for 20% off the registration fee (not including optional events) will be issued, which can be used (by the canceling registrant only) for any ABI educational program up to one year after this conference, or for this same conference next year.

Anti-Harassment Policy

The American Bankruptcy Institute is dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age or religion. We do not tolerate harassment of conference participants in any form. Sexual language and imagery are not appropriate for any conference venue, including talks. Conference participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the conference without a refund at the discretion of the conference organizers. Our anti-harassment policy can be found at https://www.abi.org/about-us/bylaws-and-policies.


Reconnect with friends and colleagues at the Annapolis Waterfront Hotel, a waterfront retreat that is your gateway to discovering historic Annapolis and the greater Chesapeake Bay region. The hotel boasts spacious guest rooms, welcoming amenities and cutting-edge conference rooms — preserving all of the hotel’s original historic charm while blending in modern comforts.

ABI has arranged a special conference rate of $309 per night. Reservations must be made directly with the hotel by Friday, July 5, 2024, to secure this special rate. Upon payment of the conference registration fees, you will receive hotel reservation information with your conference confirmation. Reservations may be made only once you have registered with ABI. Rooms are held on a first-come, first-served basis. ABI cannot guarantee any rooms after the specially rated ABI block is filled.


Air: Dulles, Reagan and Baltimore airports are all within a 90-minute drive of the hotel.

Ground: The Annapolis Waterfront Hotel is located in Annapolis, Md., about an hour from Washington, D.C., and two and a half hours from Philadelphia. Driving time from Wilmington, Del., is 1.5 hours; from Baltimore, 1 hour; and from Newark, N.J., 3.5 hours.

Conference Attire

Attire is resort casual throughout the conference.

2024 Program Chairs

Advisory Board

ABI will seek continuing education credit for this conference.

6.75 hours of general CLE credit, including 1.25 hours of ethics, are pending in states calculating CLE on a 60-minute hour, and 8.1 hours of general CLE credit, including 1.5 hours of ethics, are pending in 50-minute-hour states. Credit hours granted are subject to approval from each state. California MCLE: ABI certifies that this activity has been approved for MCLE credit in the amount of 6.75 hours, of which 1.25 hours will apply to ethics. NY MCLE: This transitional and non-transitional program has been approved in accordance with the requirements of the CLE Board for a maximum of 8.1 credit hours, of which 1.5 hours of credit can be applied toward the ethics professionalism requirement.

ABI acknowledges that in some instances there will be persons who need to attend an educational seminar for CLE credit who are not able to pay full registration fees. ABI will handle such instances on a case-by-case basis and will work with the individual on alternative solutions. For persons who cannot meet the full registration rate, ABI will offer a reduced rate based on what the individual can reasonably afford to cover the cost of meals and materials. For persons unable to pay a reduced rate, we may allow the individual to work at our registration area for a few hours during attendee check-in, or assist in conference set-up. ABI also has reduced rates for government employees, professors, law clerks and students. For information on tuition assistance, send an e-mail to [email protected]. Illinois Attorneys: If registration fees are more than $500, attorneys who qualify will receive a reduction of at least 50% off the registration fee.

CPE credit is NOT AVAILABLE for viewing on-demand recorded sessions.

The American Bankruptcy Institute is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors for Group Live (live in-person) and Group Internet-Based (live webinar) programs. State boards of accountancy have the final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website, www.learningmarket.org.

  • Recommended CPE credits and field of study: Specialized Knowledge
  • Program attendees can earn up to 8.0 hours of CPE credit and 1.5 hours of Behavioral Ethics.
  • Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites.
  • Advanced preparation: None
  • Program level: Intermediate
  • Delivery method: Group Live

How to request CPE credit: To request CPE credit for your participation (and obtain a certificate of completion), you will need to complete an ABI Attendance Affidavit, which is available at the end of the entire workshop after we have verified your attendance. To receive CPE credit, please click "+ Add Accrediting Agency" and select NASBA (National Association of State Boards of Accountancy).

NOTE: All attendees seeking CPE credit must sign in and sign out. You may only claim credit for sessions within the period between your sign-in and sign-out; credit will be adjusted or modified accordingly.

You will receive a personalized link to submit your Attendance Affidavit via email within 7 business days of the last day of the conference. If you do not receive this email by then, please contact [email protected].