Rocky Mountain Bankruptcy Conference

January 26-27 | Salt Lake City, UT

ABI is heading back to Salt Lake City for the Rocky Mountain Bankruptcy Conference! Join us at the Salt Lake Marriott Downtown City Creek for this annual program — once again taking place during the Sundance Film Festival. This year’s program brings together regional judges and top practitioners for two days of interactive and informative programming on timely insolvency topics. Keep current with hot topics and learn about economic trends, all while strengthening professional connections. We look forward to seeing you at the 2023 Rocky Mountain Bankruptcy Conference!

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Add to Calendar   2023-01-26 11:00:00 2023-01-27 14:30:00 America/Denver Rocky Mountain Bankruptcy Conference
View AttendeesView Consumer Forum Attendees

  • IWIRC Program

    Restoring the Fresh Start: Four Areas of Bankruptcy Law that Need to Be Fixed NOW!

    Join Judge Terrence Michael for a discussion of four areas of bankruptcy law that must be changed in order to preserve the fresh start principle, along with simple solutions to help restore the Bankruptcy Code to its intended purpose: to provide meaningful relief and an opportunity for an unfettered future to consumer debtors.


    All too frequently, judges — especially appellate judges — look at the language of a statute without considering its effects in the real world. In a similar fashion, some courts (again, the finger often points to the appellate courts) make decisions based on their perceptions of the facts of the case without considering the effects of their decisions on future cases, the fact that lawyers are charged with expanding and applying that precedent to different fact patterns with decidedly different outcomes (many of which will not further the principle of "the fresh start"), or the fact that facially neutral statutes can have disparate impacts on those who face the bleakest economic hardships.


    This program will examine two problematic decisions and argue for their reversal, either judicially or through an act of Congress, as well as two problematic statutes, and will present amendments to remedy the problems that exist.


    Registration for this event is separate. Please register here.

  • Registration Opens

  • Lunch

  • ABI Talks: Chapter 11 Cases of Interest

    Presented in the style of the ever-popular TED Talks, this year’s ABI Talks will focus on four hot topics: the state of the bankruptcy judiciary, Cinemark, civil contempt issues and venue reform.

  • Break


    Sponsored by Parsons Behle Latimer

    Parsons Behle Latimer logo
  • Concurrent Sessions (3)

    Subchapter V and § 523 Nondischargeability

    This panel will discuss case law related to subchapter V and § 523 nondischargeability, and how to navigate uncertainties in such cases.



    This panel will provide an update on cryptocurrency’s adoption and integration into the global financial system. The panelists will share practical approaches for bankruptcy practitioners to identify, take possession of and manage cryptocurrency in bankruptcy cases.


    Refresher on Advising Corporate Boards

    This panel will address issues related to corporate governance in distressed situations and considerations regarding independent directors.

  • Break


    Sponsored by Parsons Behle Latimer

    Parsons Behle Latimer logo
  • Concurrent Sessions (3)

    Interest Rates and Valuation

    This panel will discuss various considerations for practitioners in regards to interest rates and inflation, and their effects on valuation in bankruptcy proceedings.


    Third-Party Releases

    Third-party releases remain a hot topic in bankruptcy proceedings. Learn what the laws in various circuits have to say about permissible third-party releases, whether bankruptcy courts are deemed to have subject-matter jurisdiction and statutory authority to approve third-party releases as part of confirmation orders approving plans of reorganization, and what standards are imposed by circuit courts to determine whether a third-party release should be approved.


    Employing and Effectively Using Nonattorney Professionals

    This panel will discuss considerations for engaging nonattorney professionals in distressed situations, particularly the importance of involving nonattorney professionals early in the process, how they can help in advance of a chapter 11 filing, how they can advise on alternatives to a chapter 11 filing, communications between counsel and nonattorney professionals, and issues surrounding the engagement of nonattorney professionals once a chapter 11 case commences. This session will be conducted in an open-discussion format, and participation is strongly encouraged!

  • Judges’ Roundtable & Fireside Chat

    Regional judges will strive to answer questions on current issues.

  • Networking Reception

  • Partners
  • Registration Opens

  • Breakfast

    Sponsored by Onsager Fletcher Johnson LLC

    Onsager Fletcher Johnson logo
  • Current Events with Bill Rochelle (and Guests!)

    Bankruptcy judges will discuss the most talked-about current events and controversial opinions in the insolvency world with ABI Editor-at-Large Bill Rochelle.

  • Break

    Sponsored by Wadsworth Garber Warner Conrardy, P.C.

    Wadsworth Garber Warner Conrardy, P.C. logo
  • Concurrent Session

    Consumer Case Law Update

    This session will highlight particularly interesting case law developments to date since 2022, and their impacts on bankruptcy law and practice.


    Repeat Concurrent Sessions (2)

    Third-Party Releases


    Employing and Effectively Using Nonattorney Professionals

  • Break

    Sponsored by Wadsworth Garber Warner Conrardy, P.C.

    Wadsworth Garber Warner Conrardy, P.C. logo
  • Concurrent Session

    Consumer Hot Topics: Student Loans, Proofs of Claim, Post-Petition Assets and More

    This panel will review the largest issues facing consumer practitioners today, including filing numbers, student loan legislation, proofs of claim and much more.


    Repeat Concurrent Sessions (2)

    Interest Rates and Valuation


    Subchapter V and § 523 Nondischargeability

  • Luncheon

  • Luncheon Keynote: Economic Update with Robert Spendlove

    This keynote will dive into the current economic environment in Utah and the U.S. Take part in this lively discussion on the trending issues impacting the economy, such as employment, wages, interest rates and population growth, and learn how to prepare for success in uncertain times.

  • Break

    Sponsored by Wadsworth Garber Warner Conrardy, P.C.

    Wadsworth Garber Warner Conrardy, P.C. logo
  • Plenary Session: Ethics Jeopardy

    Set in the game show format of “Jeopardy,” this interactive ethics session will test the knowledge of the audience, provide valuable ethics information, and encourage networking among the participants. The panelists will cover ethical and evidentiary issues that have arisen in bankruptcy cases within the Tenth Circuit and elsewhere.

  • Adjourn

  • Partners
(by 12/23/22)
(after 1/5/23)
Conference Rates
ABI Member
Join and Save*
Govt./Aca. ABI Member
Govt./Aca. New ABI Member*
Consumer Workshop ONLY Pricing (program only on 1/27/23)
ABI Member
Join and Save*
* Includes a one-year ABI membership for first-time members only — a $425 value! Expired members should select the member rate and add in the membership-renewal fee on the online form. You must be an ABI member to attend the conference.
Optional Events
Thursday Networking Reception
Thursday Networking Reception Guest

In-Person Attendee Cancellation Policy

All fees, except a $75 handling fee, will be refunded if written notice of cancellation is received by January 5, 2023. No refunds will be granted after January 5, but substitutions will be allowed. After January 5, upon written request, a coupon for 20% off the registration fee (not including optional events) will be issued, which can be used (by the canceling registrant only) for any ABI educational program up to one year after this conference, or for this same conference next year. Customers who fail to attend without providing notice will be charged the total fee of the conference for which they have registered.

Anti-Harassment Policy

The American Bankruptcy Institute is dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age or religion. We do not tolerate harassment of conference participants in any form. Sexual language and imagery are not appropriate for any conference venue, including talks. Conference participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the conference without a refund at the discretion of the conference organizers. Our anti-harassment policy can be found at

Financial Hardship Statement

ABI acknowledges that in some instances there will be persons who need to attend an educational seminar for CLE credit who are not able to pay full registration fees. ABI will handle such instances on a case-by-case basis and will work with the individual on alternative solutions. ABI also has reduced rates for government employees, professors, law clerks and students. Financial assistance is available for this program. Illinois Attorneys: If registration fees are more than $500, attorneys who qualify will receive at least a 50% reduction in the registration fee. For more information, please contact the American Bankruptcy Institute at (703) 739-0800 or send an e-mail to [email protected].


Salt Lake Marriott Downtown City Creek
75 S W Temple St,
Salt Lake City, Utah

NEW VENUE! Discover vibrant Salt Lake City at the Salt Lake Marriott Downtown at City Creek. Located in the heart of the city, the hotel offers upscale amenities and easy access to the area’s most popular attractions, including the city’s premier shopping, dining and entertainment district, City Creek — which is right next door.

A block of rooms is being held on a first-come, first-served basis. The special room rate is $189 per night; reservations must be made by January 23, 2023, to secure the special rate. A link to make reservations will be provided in your registration confirmation. Please make your reservations early. ABI cannot guarantee anyone a room after the ABI block is filled.


Salt Lake City International Airport (SLC) is just six miles away. Cab fares are approximately $25.

Conference Attire

Attire is business casual throughout the conference.

2023 Rocky Mountain Bankruptcy Conference Co-Chairs

Advisory Board

9.25 hours of general CLE credit for this program are pending in 60-minute-hour states, and 11.1 hours of CLE credit are pending in 50-minute-hour states, including 1 hour of ethics specialty credit in 60-minute-hour states and 1.2 hours of ethics specialty credit in 50-minute-hour states. Credit hours are estimated and are subject to each state’s approval and credit-rounding rules.

CPE credit is NOT AVAILABLE for viewing on-demand recorded sessions.

The American Bankruptcy Institute is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors for Group Live (live in-person) and Group Internet Based (live webinar) programs. State boards of accountancy have the final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website,

  • Recommended CPE Credits and Field of Study: Accounting, Specialized Knowledge
  • Program attendees can earn up to 9.25 hours of CPE credit.
  • Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites.
  • Advanced preparation: None
  • Program level: Intermediate
  • Delivery method: Group Live