Do Contingent § 503(b)(9) Claims Exist?
Journal Issue:
Bankruptcy Code: the Debtor and the Estate›Subchapter I - Creditors and Claims›502, the Debtor and the Estate›Subchapter I - Creditors and Claims›503
Administrative-Expense Payments: A Sure Thing, or a Vague Hope?
Journal Issue:
Bankruptcy Code: 1183, 364, 503, 507, 726, 1129
Finding Undue Harm Under § 107 in Global Extraterritorial Privacy Laws
Journal Issue:
Bankruptcy Code: 107
Disqualification Under the Code of Judicial Conduct for U.S. Judges
Journal Issue:
Bankruptcy Code: none
Is the Proposed Guidance for Random Assignment in Civil Cases a Harbinger for Bankruptcy? Experts Weigh In
Journal Issue:
Bankruptcy Code: none