International Committee
On Friday, Aug. 7, 2020, President Muhammadu Buhari assented to the Companies and Allied Matters Bill, recently passed by the National Assembly of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
There has been growing debate in recent years over the continued relevance of the common law rule in Antony Gibbs & Sons v La Societe Industrielle et Commerciale des Metaux (1890) LR 25 QBD 399 (the “Gibbs Principle”).
First Annual ABI International Matter of the Year Award
First Annual ABI International Matter of the Year Award
After two years of being held virtually, ABI’s in-person Cross-Border Insolvency Program resumed on Nov. 14 in the Blank Rome LLP Conference Center in Manhattan. Thanks go to Evan Zucker and Blank Rome for hosting the conference.
For the first time since the start of the pandemic, ABI held its annual International Insolvency & Restructuring Symposium in person, returning to London Oct. 13-14.
The International Committee community continues to grow! We are excited to introduce and welcome the following new members who joined our committee between July and October 2022.
A new restructuring regime will be available in the Cayman Islands when the amendments to Part V of the Companies Act (2022 Revision) take effect as of August 31, 2022. Among other changes, this new regime will allow a debtor company to restructure under the supervision of a restructuring officer and provide for a worldwide automatic stay.
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