Legislative Proposals for a More Efficient Federal Financial Regulatory Regime: Part II
Legislative Proposals for a More Efficient Federal Financial Regulatory Regime: Part II
Click here for the Committee Memorandum.
H.R. 2570, the "Mortgage Fairness Act of 2017"
H.R. 3179, the "Transparency and Accountability for Business Standards Act"
H.R. 3746, the "Business of Insurance Regulatory Reform Act of 2017"
H.R. 4464, the "Common Sense Credit Union Capital Relief Act of 2017"
H.R. xxxx, the "Comprehensive Regulatory Review Act of 2017"
Witness List
- Mr. Anthony Cimino, Senior Vice President and Head of Government Affairs, the Financial Services Roundtable (TTF)
- Mr. Brian Ducharme, President and Chief Executive Officer, MIT Federal Credit Union, on behalf of the National Association of Federally-Insured Credit Unions (TTF)
- Mr. Christopher M. George, Chairman Elect, the Mortgage Bankers Association (TTF)
- Dr. Marcus Stanley, Policy Director, Americans for Financial Reform (TTF)
Thursday, December 7, 2017