Annual Business and Non-business Filings by District (1997-2000)

Annual Business and Non-business Filings by District (1997-2000)


Annual Business and Non-business Filings by District (1997-2000)

ABI World

  1997 1998 1999 2000
District Total Filings Business Filings Non-Business Filings Percent Consumer Total Filings Business Filings Non-Business Filings Percent Consumer Total Filings Business Filings Non-Business Filings Percent Consumer Total Filings Business Filings Non-Business Filings Percent Consumer
District of Alaska 1373 147 1,226 89.29% 1,479 127 1,352 91.41% 1,492 115 1377 92.29% 1,419 118 1,301 91.68%
Middle District of Alabama 6,670 284 6,386 95.74% 6,753 159 6,594 97.65% 6,500 146 6354 97.75% 7,284 137 7,147 98.11%
Northern District of Alabama 22,732 442 22,290 98.06% 20,912 380 20,532 98.18% 19,385 254 19,131 98.68% 20,348 275 20,073 98.64%
Southern District of Alabama 4,774 150 4,624 96.86% 4,803 64 4,739 98.67% 4,679 34 4,645 99.27% 5,356 33 5,323 99.38%
Eastern District of Arkansas 9,942 283 9,659 97.15% 10,789 215 10,574 98.01% 10,252 148 10,104 98.55% 10,566 151 10,415 98.57%
Western District of Arkansas 5,701 256 5,445 95.51% 6,263 193 6,070 96.92% 6,218 147 6,134 98.64% 6,218 110 6,108 98.23%
District of Arizona 25,069 846 24,223 96.63% 24,191 762 23,429 96.85% 22,609 781 21,828 96.54% 20,955 765 20,190 96.34%
Central District of California 118,335 6,184 112,151 94.77% 120,981 4,787 116,194 96.04% 102,422 2,387 100,035 97.66% 80,782 2,232 78,550 97.23%
Eastern District of California 36,976 2,624 34,352 92.90% 39,345 2,012 37,333 94.89% 34,750 1,144 33,606 96.70% 29,756 1,139 28,617 96.29%
Northern District of California 34,781 2,116 32,515 95.40% 34,082 1,567 32,665 93.92% 26,564 1,308 25,256 95.07% 19,562 1,063 18,499 94.56%
Southern District of California 19,407 213 19,194 98.40% 18,805 180 18,625 99.04% 15,292 175 15,117 98.85% 12,619 161 12,458 98.72%
District of Colorado 19,146 518 18,628 97.29% 18,262 402 17,860 97.80% 1,6165 347 15818 97.85% 15,558 373 15,185 97.60%
District of Connecticut 13,499 205 13,294 98.48% 13,962 164 13,798 98.83% 11868 142 11726 98.80% 10,643 139 10,504 98.69%
District of Columbia 2,530 100 2,430 96.05% 2,885 88 2,797 96.95% 2718 81 2637 97.01% 2,346 58 2,288 97.52%
District of Delaware 2,646 214 2,432 91.91% 2,871 372 2,499 87.04% 4,526 21,115 2,411 53.26% 4,695 2,320 2,375 50.60%
Middle District of Florida 42,388 1,217 41,171 97.13% 45,472 1,090 44,382 97.60% 41,855 1,008 40,847 97.59% 40,551 777 39,774 98.72%
Northern District of Florida 4,787 442 22,290 98.06% 5,344 91 5,253 98.30% 5,002 74 4,928 98.52% 5,148 66 5,082 98.71%
Southern District of Florida 26,308 816 25,492 96.90% 29,373 686 28,687 97.66% 28,500 641 27,859 97.75% 27,032 604 26,428 97.76%
Middle District of Georgia 15,136 202 14,934 98.67% 14,921 161 14,760 98.92% 14,161 160 14,001 98.87% 14,833 113 14,720 99.23%
Northern District of Georgia 34,946 1,130 33,816 98.03% 33,763 834 32,929 97.53% 31,871 650 31,221 97.96% 32,242 727 31,515 97.74%
Southern District of Georgia 12,707 310 12,397 97.56% 12,441 202 12,239 98.38% 11,741 123 11,618 98.95% 12,852 172 12,680 98.66%
District of Hawaii 4,463 187 4,276 95.81% 5,829 114 5,715 98.04% 5426 87 5339 98.39% 4,549 63 4,486 98.61%
Northern District of Iowa 3,996 235 3,761 94.12% 3,880 180 3,700 95.36% 3,444 115 3,329 96.66% 3,399 163 3,236 95.99%
Southern District of Iowa 5,847 270 5,577 95.38% 5,638 103 5,535 98.17% 5,008 81 33,606 96.70% 4,894 51 4,843 98.95%
District of Idaho 6,973 532 6,441 92.37% 7,612 435 7,177 94.29% 7,285 340 6945 95.33% 7,119 269 6,850 96.22%
Central District of Illinois 12,854 295 12,559 97.70% 12,685 114 12,571 99.10% 11,765 167 11,598 98.58% 11,406 134 11,272 98.82%
Northern District of Illinois 44,087 854 43,233 98.06% 46,503 646 45,857 98.61% 44,790 553 44,237 98.769% 42,340 548 41,792 98.70%
Southern District of Illinois 7,013 639 6,374 90.89% 7,499 714 6,785 90.48% 7,406 1,965 6,732 90.89% 7,416 588 6,828 92.07%
Northern District of Indiana 13,658 213 13,445 98.44% 14,550 190 14,360 98.69% 14,288 148 14,140 98.96% 42,340 548 41,792 98.70%
Southern District of Indiana 23,150 470 22,680 97.97% 24,711 423 24,288 98.29% 23,954 353 23,601 98.52% 23,422 272 23,150 98.83%
District of Kansas 13,131 412 12,719 96.86% 13,208 264 12,944 98.00% 11538 172 11366 98.50% 11,315 169 11,146 98.50%
Eastern District of Kentucky 9,558 1273 9,285 97.14% 9,594 182 9,412 98.10% 8,996 143 8,853 98.41% 9,050 213 8,837 97.64%
Western District of Kentucky 12,129 176 11,953 98.55% 12,592 174 12,418 98.62% 11,825 138 11,687 98.83% 11,968 142 11,826 98.81%
Eastern District of Louisiana 7,365 141 7,224 98.21% 7,119 120 6,999 98.31% 7,657 131 7,526 98.28% 8,265 122 8,143 98.52%
Middle District of Louisiana 2,805 52 2,753 98.15% 2,940 41 2,899 98.61% 2680 29 2,651 98.91% 2,831 36 2,795 98.72%
Western District of Louisiana 12,988 481 12,507 96.30% 12,887 439 12,448 96.59% 12,293 429 11,864 96.51% 12,039 461 11,578 96.17%
District of Massachusetts 23,894 965 22,927 95.96% 22,325 739 21,586 96.69% 18,660 566 18,034 96.95% 15,601 393 15,208 97.48%
District of Maryland 31,991 1,678 30,313 94.75% 35,430 1,231 34,199 96.53% 32,273 795 31,478 97.53% 30,355 677 29,658 97.70%
District of Maine 4,218 310 3,908 92.65% 4,515 244 4,271 94.60% 4,177 197 3,980 95.28% 4,042 162 3,880 95.99%
Eastern District of Michigan 27,348 595 26,753 97.82% 28,198 373 27,825 98.68% 25,824 359 25,465 98.60% 25,122 333 24,789 98.67%
Western District of Michigan 12,261 511 11,750 95.83% 12,546 348 12,198 97.23% 11,428 275 11,153 97.59% 11,290 244 11,046 97.83%
District of Minnesota 20,225 2,478 17,747 87.75% 18,866 1,975 16,891 89.53% 15,853 1,584 14,269 90.00% 15,314 566 18,034 96.95%
Eastern District of Missouri 14,897 300 14,597 97.99% 16,423 255 16,168 98.45% 15,888 203 15,685 98.72% 15,118 184 14,934 98.78%
Western District of Missouri 11,218 433 10,785 96.14% 11,842 169 11,673 98.57% 11,141 155 10,986 98.60% 10,902 185 10,717 98.30%
Northern District of Mississippi 6,602 153 6,449 97.68% 6,226 135 6,091 97.83% 5,917 133 5,784 97.75% 6,314 99 6,215 98.43%
Southern District of Mississippi 12,667 146 12,521 98.85% 12,474 109 12,365 99.13% 11,833 68 11,765 99.42% 12,144 104 12,040 99.14%
District of Montana 3,572 278 3,294 92.22% 3,717 145 3,572 96.10% 3,386 121 3,265 96.42% 3,336 141 3,195 95.77%
Eastern District of North Carolina 9,788 426 9,362 95.65% 10,914 321 10,593 97.06% 10,325 263 10,062 97.45% 10,832 257 10,575 97.62%
Middle District of North Carolina 9,289 212 9,077 97.72% 9,014 144 8,870 98.40% 8,543 113 8,430 95.32% 9,398 115 9,283 98.77%
Western District of North Carolina 7,126 82 7,044 98.85% 7,056 69 6,987 99.02% 6,966 66 6,930 99.05% 6,861 73 6,788 98.93%
District of North Dakota 1,961 155 1,806 92.10% 2,192 87 2,105 96.03% 2,146 100 2,046 95.34% 1,933 92 1,841 95.24%
District of Nebraska 5,949 281 5,668 95.28% 6,116 129 5,987 97.89% 5,500 158 5,342 97.12% 5,629 115 5,514 97.95%
District of New Hampshire 4,902 187 4,715 96.19% 4,994 417 4,577 91.65% 4,104 348 3,756 91.52% 3,615 302 3,018 83.48%
District of New Jersey 42,434 1,112 41,322 97.38% 45,880 876 45,004 98.09% 40,814 877 39,937 97.85% 37,305 660 36,645 98.23%
District of New Mexico 7,560 384 7,176 94.92% 7,915 338 7,577 95.73% 7,336 554 6,782 92.44% 7,032 513 6,519 92.70%
District of Nevada 13,427 399 13,028 97.03% 15,708 428 15,280 97.28% 1,479 127 1,352 91.41% 14,010 332 13,678 97.63%
Eastern District of New York 29,459 566 28,893 98.08% 31,494 461 31,033 98.54% 26,449 378 26,071 98.57% 22,503 338 22,165 98.49%
Northern District of New York 16,173 777 15,396 95.20% 16,703 505 16,198 96.98% 14,466 394 14,072 97.27% 13,507 407 13,100 96.98%
Southern District of New York 15,972 846 15,126 94.70% 17,047 586 16,461 96.56% 14,798 565 14,233 96.18% 12,524 788 11,736 93.70%
Western District of New York 13,114 964 12,150 92.65% 13,398 727 12,671 94.57% 11,360 535 10,825 95.29% 10,636 427 10,209 98.72%
Northern District of Ohio 26,200 480 25,720 98.17% 28,353 649 27,704 97.71% 27,716 789 26,927 97.15% 28,016 1,001 27,015 96.42%
Southern District of Ohio 27,570 526 27,044 98.10% 28,351 512 27,839 98.19% 26,071 406 25,665 99.86% 26,168 470 25,698 98.20%
Eastern District of Oklahoma 3,462 176 3,286 94.92% 3,812 120 3,692 96.85% 3,550 104 3,446 97.07% 3,651 81 3,570 97.78%
Northern District of Oklahoma 6,007 648 5,359 89.21% 5,372 459 4,913 91.46% 5,042 328 4,714 93.45%
Western District of Oklahoma 13,100 545 12,555 95.84% 12,756 254 12,502 98.01% 11,436 296 11,140 97.41% 10,619 351 10,268 96.69%
District of Oregon 18,197 1,434 16,763 92.12% 18,103 2,660 15,443 85.31% 18,168 2,939 15,229 83.82% 18,227 1,453 16,774 92.02%
Eastern District of Pennsylvania 21,773 561 21,212 97.42% 23,187 392 22,795 98.31% 21,752 328 21,424 98.49% 21,099 328 20,771 98.44%
Middle District of Pennsylvania 9,593 852 8,741 91.12% 10,693 837 9,856 92.17% 10,212 706 9,506 93.08% 10,370 745 9,625 92.81%
Western District of Pennsylvania 11,601 472 11,129 95.93% 12,772 456 12,316 96.43% 11,950 363 11,587 96.96% 12,501 382 12,119 96.94%
District of Rhode Island 5,472 180 5,292 96.71% 5,480 130 5,350 97.63% 5060 116 4944 97.70% 4,457 74 4,383 98.33%
District of South Carolina 11,232 346 10,886 96.92% 11,672 254 11,373 97.82% 11,442 191 11,251 98.33% 11,958 138 11,820 98.84%
District of South Dakota 2,366 221 2,145 90.66% 2,299 186 2,113 91.91% 2,223 152 2,071 93.16% 2,105 133 1,972 93.68%
Eastern District of Tennessee 16,254 422 15,832 97.40% 15,984 336 15,648 97.90% 14,944 236 14,708 98.42% 15,703 239 15,464 98.47%
Middle District of Tennessee 12,478 457 12,021 96.34% 12,131 292 11,839 97.59% 10,968 251 10,717 97.71% 11,739 254 11,485 97.83%
Western District of Tennessee 24,052 187 23,865 99.22% 23,081 241 22,840 98.96% 20,613 315 20,298 98.47% 21,794 148 21,646 99.32%
Eastern District of Texas 9,734 522 9,212 94.64% 9,817 360 9,457 96.33% 9,272 303 8,969 96.73% 8,962 387 8,575 95.68%
Northern District of Texas 25,373 1,546 23,827 93.91% 24,934 1,191 23,743 95.22% 21,447 921 20,526 95.70% 20,674 937 19,737 95.46%
Southern District of Texas 19,508 754 18,754 96.13% 19,352 657 18,695 96.61% 17,506 614 16,892 96.49% 17,157 823 16,334 95.20%
Western District of Texas 18,114 644 17,470 96.44% 17,696 488 17,208 97.24% 16,488 464 16,024 97.18% 15,328 445 14,883 97.09%
District of Utah 12,147 434 11,713 96.43% 13,996 460 13,536 96.71% 14,108 464 13,644 96.71% 15,192 451 14,741 97.03%
Eastern District of Virginia 31,921 767 31,154 97.60% 32,398 545 31,853 98.32% 28,262 369 27,893 98.69% 26,131 296 25,835 98.86%
Western District of Virginia 11,198 589 10,609 94.74% 11,041 593 10,448 94.63% 10,182 472 9,710 95.36% 10,060 519 9,541 94.84%
District of Vermont 1,911 164 1,747 91.42% 1,965 88 1,877 95.52% 1,757 83 1,674 95.27% 1,492 71 1,421 95.24%
Eastern District of Washington 7,052 448 6,604 93.65% 7,838 442 7,396 94.36% 7,823 297 7,526 96.20% 8,376 382 7,994 95.43%
Western District of Washington 26,285 926 25,359 96.48% 25,565 554 25,011 97.83% 23,818 335 23,483 98.59% 22,755 335 22,420 98.52%
Eastern District of Wisconsin 12,940 348 12,592 97.31% 12,962 267 12,695 97.94% 12,615 213 12,402 98.31% 12,075 172 11,903 98.57%
Western District of Wisconsin 6,257 865 5,392 86.18% 6,452 870 5,582 86.52% 5,874 606 5,268 89.68% 5,774 513 5,261 91.11%
Northern District of West Virginia 3,475 179 3,296 94.85% 3,550 179 3,371 94.96% 3,339 115 3,224 96.55% 3,404 121 3,283 96.44%
Southern District of West Virginia 5,067 188 4,879 96.29% 5,141 150 4,991 97.08% 4,812 138 4,674 97.13% 5,242 156 5,086 97.02%
District of Wyoming 2,031 91 1,940 95.52% 2,257 89 2,168 96.06% 2009 69 1940 96.56% 2,078 47 2,031 97.73%
District of Guam 114 21 93 81.58% 109 25 84 77.06% 131 21 110 83.96% 155 31 124 80.00%
District of the Northern Mariana Islands 2 1 1 50% 18 8 10 55.56% 12 6 6 50.00% 15 6 9 60.00%
District of Puerto Rico 15,670 162 15,508 98.97% 17,447 126 17,321 99.28% 17,909 206 17,703 98.84% 14,919 209 14,710 98.59%
District of the Virgin Islands 74 17 57 77.03% 73 11 62 84.93% 66 12 54 81.81% 56 7 49 87.50%
United States 1,404,145 54,027 1,350,118 96.15% 1,442,549 44,367 1,398,182 96.92% 1,319,465 37,884 1,281,581 97.12% 1,253,444 35,472 1,217,972 97.17%

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