10th Circuit

Not All Student Loans Are Nondischargeable, Tenth Circuit Holds

Tenth Circuit joins the Fifth Circuit by holding that student loans are not ‘educational benefits’ under Section 523(a)(8)(A)(ii).

Tenth Circuit Panel Splits on a Triangular Preference

Tenth Circuit and its BAP follow the same controlling authority but reach opposite results.

Bankruptcy Court Alone May Decide Whether a Claim Is Estate Property, BAP Says

Bankruptcy Court Alone May Decide Whether a Claim Is Estate Property, BAP Says

Complete Disgorgement Is the Default Sanction for Failure to Disclose a Fee Agreement

Anything less than full disgorgement must be supported by ‘sound reasons’ and ‘solid evidence,’ the Tenth Circuit says.

Judge Romero Explains Why Lenders Can’t Claw Back Retainers Paid by Debtors

The UCC protects retainers in the hands of lawyers from secured lenders bent on glomming their collateral.

Tenth Circuit BAP Says that Section 364(d)(1) Can’t Be Used for Priming Lien in a Plan

In a SARE case, the BAP says that the bankruptcy court cannot deny a lift-stay motion without finding that confirmation is reasonably possible in a reasonable time.

Tenth Circuit Protects Subsequent Recipients of Fraudulent Transfer with a New Defense

In a fraudulent transfer of a contract claim, a subsequent recipient of cash proceeds from the claim has no liability under Section 550(a)(2), according to the Tenth Circuit.

Subchapter V Isn’t Always an Antidote for a Failing Chapter 11 Reorganization

Misconduct in the prior chapter 11 case barred debtors from proceeding as a small business reorganization under subchapter V of chapter 11.

Beware: Closing a Case Quickly Can Preclude Filing New Avoidance Actions

Judge Thuma describes nonstatutory exceptions to the statutes of limitations in Sections 546(a) and 550(f).

District Judge Rejects the Majority’s ‘Gotcha’ Approach to Automatic Abandonment

Sufficiently listing an asset anywhere in the schedules and SOFA will result in abandonment if the asset was not administered by the trustee, Utah district judge holds.
