Personal Injury Settlement Was Not ‘Income’ Payable to Creditors in Chapter 13
Memphis Bankruptcy Judge Denise Barnett reads the BAPCPA amendments as excluding personal injury settlements from the calculation of ‘projected disposable income.’
Sometimes, a Federal Tax Lien Will Never Be Enforceable in Bankruptcy
Congress left a gap in the statute for perfecting a tax lien on personal property against someone who has no ascertainable residence.
Section 727(a)(3) Isn’t a Catchall Denying Discharge for All Manner of Fraud
Someone who commits fraud can’t be denied a discharge for that reason alone if the debtor kept accurate books and records of the fraud.
Having Nondischargeable Debts Doesn’t Entitle a Chapter 7 Debtor to Object to Claims
Courts are split on whether having nondischargeable debts gives an individual chapter 7 debtor standing to object to claims.