Govt. Claims/Sovereign Immunity

Liens on Impounded Cars Are Judicial Liens that May Be Avoided, Seventh Circuit Says

The City of Chicago argued unsuccessfully that liens on cars are statutory because they arise automatically when the car is impounded.

Sixth Circuit BAP Gives Priority Status to Obamacare’s Individual Mandate Penalty

A question may be headed to the Sixth Circuit, where debtors hope to create a circuit split.

Circuit Split Widens Sovereign Immunity for Section 544(b) Claims

The circuits are now split 2/1 on the waiver of sovereign immunity under Section 544(b) for lawsuits by a trustee based on claims that could have been made by an actual creditor.

Discharging Student Loans Puts Bankruptcy Judges in Untenable Positions

Bankruptcy judges are required to predict the unknown and the unknowable when deciding how much debtors can repay in student loans.
