Puerto Rico in Distress

ABI Analysis

If anything stands as a symbol of how Puerto Rico ended up mired in billions of dollars of debt, it is an oceanside golf resort going to seed some 15 miles east of San Juan, the New York Times DealBook reported today.

Congress has scheduled yet another hearing on the debt crisis slowly destroying the lives of millions of American citizens living in Puerto Rico. If this results in prompt legislative action, we should applaud the exercise of strong, even if belated, leadership, according to a commentary by Prof. John Pottow in The Hill yesterday.

Prices of Puerto Rico bonds suggest that investors are circumspect when its comes to possible progress in a debt exchange of the island’s securities and focusing on whether the commonwealth makes good on $711 million of principal and interest payments coming due, Bloomberg News reported yesterday.

Puerto Rico's Government Development Bank (GDB) on Friday presented some of the island's creditors with more details on a forthcoming plan to consolidate their bonds into a single bond exchange, in a meeting the GDB's president called "very positive and productive,” Reuters reported on Friday.