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Feb 12
Judgment Liens Based on Nondischargeable Debts May Be Avoided as…
A homestead can be protected from collection of a nondischargeable debt, limiting the judgment creditor to attaching nonexempt property.
Feb 11
In Lender-on-Lender Violence, an ‘Uptier’ Financing Bites the Dust,…
Fancy drafting by ‘brilliant financiers and lawyers,’ the judge said, didn’t validate an uptier transaction when the ‘effect’ was to release collateral without a…
Feb 10
The Insurer Exception to Discharge Injunction: More Theoretical than Real?
The self-insured retention can prevent a creditor from using the insurer exception to sue the insurance company with the debtor as a nominal defendant.
Feb 7
Second Circuit Takes Sides on a Section 365(d)(5) Circuit Split
The ‘billing approach,’ not the ‘accrual approach,’ decides whether there is a priority claim for personal property and real estate leases more than 60 days after…
"I found the Insolvency 2020 program to be incredibly informative and provided me with diverse viewpoints on how the restructuring, insolvency, and distressed debt space has shifted since the pandemic. I also found it beneficial to engage with friends and new contacts during all of the networking aspects of the event no longer achievable within an in-person setting."
Andrew Tardogno
Managing Director, The M&A Advisor
New York, NY
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