Puerto Rico in Distress

ABI Analysis

Puerto Rico’s El Vocero newspaper could soon get a new owner that would preserve its voice on the 3.6 million-resident island, the Wall Street Journal reported on Saturday. A trustee in charge of the newspaper’s bankruptcy case has proposed to hold a public auction on Nov. 22.

Puerto Rico’s current debt, between $52 billion and $70 billion, is the third-largest behind California’s and New York’s, despite a far smaller and poorer population, according to an analysis in the recent edition of The Economist. In America’s 50 states the average ratio of state debt to personal income is 3.4 percent.

Puerto Rico’s struggling Spanish-language newspaper El Vocero has a survival strategy to avoid becoming yet another victim of the consolidation wave sweeping the media industry, the Wall Street Journal reported yesterday.

Federal officials are expected to announce incentives to boost Puerto Rico's economy in the next few months, a top legislator from the commonwealth said this week, responding to investor concerns about the island's rising debt costs and bleak growth, Reuters reported yesterday.