Fraud and Forensics: Piercing Through the Deception in a Commercial Fraud Case

It is a sorry statement about the pervasiveness of fraud in society today that the demand for the specialized financial and investigatory skills of forensic accountants is greater than ever. Yet some of the most celebrated cases of the modern era — Madoff and Enron, for instance — have hinged on the ability of talented investigators to ferret out the truth in a realm filled with deceit. Fraud and Forensics: Piercing Through the Deception in a Commercial Fraud Case highlights the areas of specialty, challenge, and reward for forensic accountants and the professionals who work with them in commercial fraud cases. Written by members of ABI’s Commercial Fraud Committee, Fraud and Forensics provides a broad and deep look at challenges faced in the course of a commercial fraud matter, as well as the tools available to help identify, unwind and prove fraudulent transactions. This book will also assist both forensic accountants and the professionals that work with them to sift through the fine details while creatively considering all of the possibilities to fit together the pieces of a fraud puzzle.