Retention and Payment: Essentials of Being Retained and Paid

Retention and Payment: Essentials of Being Retained and Paid

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Author Details: 
Daniel G. Egan
H. Slayton Dabney Jr.
Richelle Kalnit
Stefanie Birbrower Greer

Retention and Payment: Essentials of Being Retained and Paid as Debtor's Counsel in Chapter 11 is a must-read for attorneys who may be generally unfamiliar with the chapter 11 process but who find themselves representing chapter 11 debtors. The handbook provides important practice pointers on obtaining court approval of the retention as debtor's bankruptcy counsel and obtaining court approval to be paid for services rendered to the debtor. It also contains samples of an engagement letter, a retention application and associated documents, and a fee application. The handbook presents an overview of the more significant issues chapter 11 counsel may encounter in navigating the retention and payment process.

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