Rochelle's Daily Wire

ABI Exclusive

October 20, 2016

Provision depressing debtor’s income at a lease auction is unenforceable under Section 365(f).

September 29, 2016

Rabbinical court was barred from attaching an injunction under the First Amendment.
Rabbinical court was barred from attaching an injunction under the First Amendment.

September 23, 2016

Ninth Circuit decision based on policy, not statutory language, is wrong, S.D.N.Y. judge says.
Ninth Circuit decision based on policy, not statutory language, is wrong, S.D.N.Y. judge says.

September 20, 2016

After confirmation, New York’s Judge Glenn requires ‘close nexus’ for jurisdiction.
After confirmation, New York’s Judge Glenn requires ‘close nexus’ for jurisdiction.

August 1, 2016

Former Bankruptcy Judge Gerber reversed in Lyondell for being too strict, then for being too lenient.
Former Bankruptcy Judge Gerber reversed in Lyondell for being too strict, then for being too lenient.

June 24, 2016