Rochelle's Daily Wire

ABI Exclusive

June 8, 2018

A creditor can’t have derivative standing if the trustee already sold the claim, BAP says.

June 1, 2018

Ten years later, courts are still sorting out who’s liable for Old GM’s failure to disclose a known defect.
Ten years later, courts are still sorting out who’s liable for Old GM’s failure to disclose a known defect.

May 23, 2018

Unlike Rodney Dangerfield, Jevic workers get respect when Delaware judge rejects a new settlement they dislike.
Unlike Rodney Dangerfield, Jevic workers get respect when Delaware judge rejects a new settlement they dislike.

May 21, 2018

A ‘cert’ petition is in the works to resolve the circuit split from Lubrizol regarding the rejection of trademark licenses.

April 20, 2018

Perplexing opinion may only apply to the status of assets before bankruptcy.
Perplexing opinion may only apply to the status of assets before bankruptcy.

April 16, 2018

Circuits are split on requiring use of leased equipment before allowing an administrative claim.
Circuits are split on requiring use of leased equipment before allowing an administrative claim.