Rochelle's Daily Wire

ABI Exclusive

July 27, 2018

The Supreme Court’s BFP opinion on mortgage foreclosures held not applicable to tax foreclosures in New York.

July 26, 2018

Opinion doesn’t cite contrary Ninth Circuit and BAP authority permitting ‘chapter 20.’
Opinion doesn’t cite contrary Ninth Circuit and BAP authority permitting ‘chapter 20.’

July 24, 2018

Bankruptcy court may overrule a state court that rules incorrectly on the discharge of a debt.
Bankruptcy court may overrule a state court that rules incorrectly on the discharge of a debt.

April 24, 2018

Not a true public sale, a tax foreclosure in New Jersey can be attacked as a preference without implicating concerns about federalism.
Not a true public sale, a tax foreclosure in New Jersey can be attacked as a preference without implicating concerns about federalism.

April 20, 2018

Perplexing opinion may only apply to the status of assets before bankruptcy.
Perplexing opinion may only apply to the status of assets before bankruptcy.

April 10, 2018

Courts are split on two issues regarding the antimodification provisions in Sections 1123(b)(5) and 1322(b)(2).