Can I File Bankruptcy on Medical Bills Alone?

Can I File Bankruptcy on Medical Bills Alone?Many consumers find themselves drowning in medical debt and wonder can bankruptcy be filed for medicals bills without including other debt such as credit cards and other accounts.  You can file bankruptcy for your medical bills but it is unlikely you’ll be able to file without including other debts.

While bankruptcy may allow you to wipe away debt or restructure it with a payment plan, the process also allows for creditors to be treated fairly.  It’s one thing for you to choose who gets paid when you pay bills each month and you may feel some obligations more worthy than others, but in bankruptcy court it may not seem fair that you want to pick and choose certain debts and creditors when they are all entitled to receive payment.

Upon filing for bankruptcy, all unsecured debt would be listed.  This includes medical bills, back taxes, credit card debt, personal loans and etc.  Since the debts previously mentioned fall under the same category they would be treated fairly by the court.

Something else to consider when filing bankruptcy is which chapter to file.  You may qualify to file one chapter over the other.  If you are unable to make payments or don’t earn enough to pay on what is owed, Chapter 7 may be the best option.  Chapter 13 allows you to repay debt under a structured payment plan within a certain time period.  Discuss with a bankruptcy attorney about meeting necessary qualifications for filing.