H.R. 5503 the Securing Protections for the Injured from Limitations on Liability Act

Provides a number of provisions governing liability in response to the BP oil spill, including amending the Bankruptcy Code to prohibit a trustee in bankruptcy from selling or leasing, except in the ordinary course of business, any property of the estate of a debtor that is liable for a claim arising from an incident under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, to a purchaser (together with any affiliate) in an aggregate dollar amount exceeding a specified amount under the Clayton Act unless: (1) the purchaser (and affiliate) agree as a condition of the sale to pay the amount of allowed unsecured claims arising from the incident not paid by the debtor\; or (2) all classes of unsecured claims approve the sale of such assets.

H.R. 1575

To authorize the Attorney General to limit or recover excessive compensation paid or payable by entities that have received Federal financial assistance on or after September 1, 2008.
