Bankruptcy Court Can’t Have Exclusive Jurisdiction over Disputes from a Sale Order
A district judge in Indiana says that a bankruptcy court cannot have exclusive jurisdiction over disputes in the future except in the circumstances specified in Section 1334.
Failing to File a Claim Has Dire Consequences for a Secured Creditor
A secured lender who doesn’t file a claim doesn’t get paid by the chapter 13 plan and keeps its lien, but can’t reclaim the collateral during the life of the plan.
Seventh Circuit Primed to Take on a Circuit Split on Automatic Stay Termination
District judge in Indiana holds that the automatic stay only ends as to the debtor’s property after a repeat filing, not also as to estate property.
Notre Dame Football Tickets Are Not Exempt Property, South Bend Judge Holds
Notre Dame football tickets are not necessary for a fresh start.
Guardian’s Fees Not Discharged in Father’s Bankruptcy
Indiana judge parts company with other courts in helping out a guardian ad litem.