3rd Circuit

Third Circuit Tries to Synthesize Illinois Law on Veil Piercing and Unjust Enrichment

Third Circuit relies on a Seventh Circuit opinion to understand Illinois law.

Tender Offers in Bankruptcy Pass Muster in the Third Circuit

Third Circuit holds again that equal treatment is not required in settlements.

Subjective Test Without Hindsight Employed to Determine Adequate Capitalization

Later bankruptcy is no proof of prior inadequate capitalization.

Valuation Date Chosen to Avoid ‘Gamesmanship’

Early valuation aids a debtor in stripping off during an up market.

Judges Sontchi and Drain Agree on Treatment Among Undersecured Creditors

No need for venue-shopping between Delaware and New York for undersecured creditors.

Unpaid Condominium Fees Cannot Be Stripped Off in New Jersey

Condos in New Jersey get better protection from the court than from the state legislature.

No Claim Arises from Loss of a Make-Whole Premium, Delaware District Judge Holds

Delaware is now on par with New York in disallowing make-whole premiums.

Delaware Judge Categorically Bars All Counsel from Compensation for Defense of Fees

Artful drafting cannot evade ASARCO to reimburse counsel for defense of fees.

Third Circuit Pens a Treatise on Burden of Production

Third Circuit decision written by no Third Circuit judges