New York Southern District

Using Correspondent U.S. Bank Can Result in Personal Jurisdiction in U.S. Courts

Fleeting passage of money through the U.S. can bestow jurisdiction on U.S. courts.

Madoff Investor’s Suspicion of Fraud Does Not Generate Greater Liability

The right paper trail helps avoid liability for profiting from a Ponzi scheme.

Ruling on Texas Law, New York Judge Upsets Oil and Gas Pipelines

Protections for oil and gas pipelines undermined in Sabine Oil reorganization.

Madoff Trustee Beats Back Another End Run Around $7.2 Billion Settlement

Someone who pays $7.2 billion is entitled to a court’s sympathy and protection.

Defrauded Customers Make Introducing Broker Eligible for Liquidation under SIPA

SIPC steps in to help pay claims of defrauded customers of introducing broker.

Involuntary Dismissed to Prevent Using Court Like a ‘Rented Battlefield’

Manhattan judge won’t allow using the court like a collection agency in two-party dispute.

Minimal Activities in Foreign Liquidation Are No Basis for Chapter 15 Recognition

Judge Gerber pens a treatise on consequences of bad-faith chapter 15 filing.

Madoff ‘Net Equity’ Method Was Properly Applied to Inter-Account Transfers

Madoff trustee’s newest appellate victory again disregards fictitious profits.

No ‘Innocent Insider’ Exception to In Pari Delicto in New York, Judge Holds

New York becomes even more inhospitable to trustees facing in pari delicto defense.

New York’s ‘Loss Mitigation’ Program Survives One Lender Attack

SDNY’s ‘loss mitigation’ program for mortgage modification may face another attack.