
NRA’s Bankruptcy Dismissed as Being Filed for an Improper Purpose

Filing bankruptcy to gain a ‘litigation advantage’ in the N.Y. Attorney General’s dissolution action meant the chapter 11 petition was not filed in good faith and must be dismissed, Judge Harlan Hale rules.

Once Repudiated, a Contract Is No Longer Executory

Courts disagree on whether a repudiated contract remains executory.

Judge Isgur Knocks Down a Special Counsel’s Fees for ‘Unprofessional’ Conduct

Incivility may be acceptable in matrimonial matters, but not when the lawyer represents a debtor.

Filing a Timely Extension Motion Won’t Extend a Deadline Without an Order

Creditors’ lawyers shot themselves in the foot by having the bankruptcy judge moot a motion for an extension of the dischargeability deadline.

Split Grows on Whether a Subchapter V Debtor Must Be ‘Currently’ Engaged in Business

The owner of defunct businesses was held ineligible to be a small business debtor because he was no longer the owner of an operating business. Being a non-owner executive of an operating business didn’t qualify him.

To Invoke Equitable or Statutory Mootness, the Record Must Be Clear that a Sale Closed

Unsubstantiated statements that a sale closed didn’t persuade a district judge in Dallas to invoke equitable or statutory mootness.

Medicaid Fraud Suit in State Court Isn’t Subject to the Automatic Stay

Even though the debtor was no longer in business, a Medicaid fraud suit was not subject to the automatic stay and thus served as a deterrent to others.

Court Records Destroyed, a Finding of Proper Notice Presumes Notice by Publication

The finding of proper notice in a confirmation order satisfies the debtor’s burden of proving notice by publication to creditors with future claims, even in the absence of a trust for future creditors, Houston judge says.

Dissolved Corporation May Not File to Reorganize in Chapter 11, Only to Liquidate

Dissolved by forfeit, a corporation cannot reinstate a charter and may resort to bankruptcy only to liquidate, Judge Eduardo Rodriguez says.

Bankruptcy Judges Disagree About Abatement of Rent During the Pandemic

Neither the Bankruptcy Code nor state law permits reducing rent when government regulations restrict a debtor’s ability to generate income, Judge Isgur says.