3rd Circuit

May Accountants Limit Liability for Professional Malpractice? Stay Tuned

New Jersey judge says that professionals may not be able to limit liability when malpractice is more than mere negligence.

Delaware Judge Issues Comprehensive Opinion on Makewholes and Unmatured Interest

Split grows on allowance of makewholes and what constitutes disallowed, unmatured interest.

Owner of a Long-Defunct Business Didn’t Qualify for Subchapter V

Being an ordinary employee didn’t mean that the debtor was engaged in business to qualify for Subchapter V.

Delaware Bankruptcy Judge Dismisses a Lawsuit for Forum Non Conveniens

Although a chapter 11 plan can bind parties throughout the world, Judge Sontchi wouldn’t let a foreign debtor sue a foreign bank in the Delaware bankruptcy court over a transaction that occurred in England.

Bar Date Notice by Email Is Insufficient, Delaware’s Judge Goldblatt Says

Notice by email may satisfy due process but doesn’t comply with notice by ‘mail’ under Bankruptcy Rule 2002.

Refusing to Release an Attachment After Filing Is No Stay Violation Following Fulton

Pennsylvania’s Judge Conway hints that failure to stop proceedings after bankruptcy can be an automatic stay violation, even after Fulton.

Third Circuit Makes Strict Rules Before Subrogation Rights Kick In

There can be no question about whether the beneficiary of a surety bond has been ‘paid in full’ before the surety has subrogation rights.

Issue and Claim Preclusion Didn’t Bar Challenging a Lien Previously Considered Valid

Newly applicable law permitted a chapter 13 debtor to cram down a lien that the debtor previously had considered to be valid.

Third Circuit Makes More Rules on the Proper Scope of Asbestos Channeling Injunctions

The Third Circuit made more rules to decide whether an insurance company can be insulated from failure-to-warn claims by the channeling injunction in a chapter 11 ‘asbestos’ plan.

Good Faith Is No Defense to an Allegedly Willful Stay Violation, Third Circuit Says

Lack of authority on point is no defense to a willful violation of the automatic stay, according to the Third Circuit.
