Chapter 13 Debtors Retain Appreciation in Property After Conversion or Plan Amendment

On an issue where the courts are split, the Tenth Circuit BAP sides with debtors and allows them to retain postpetition appreciation in the value of assets that were in the estate on filing.

Fifth Circuit Invalidates Local Chapter 13 Plan Regarding Tax Refunds

Below median debtors are no longer required to turn over tax refunds in excess of $2,000.

Reversing the BAP, Ninth Circuit Allows Chapter 13 Plans with Estimated Durations

The Ninth Circuit allows chapter 13 debtors on their own to accelerate payments to creditors and secure their discharges more quickly without modifying their plans.

Fifth Circuit Bans Molina Provisions in Chapter 13 Plans

Court cannot impose a nonstatutory provision on a chapter 13 ‘full payment’ plan that restricts the debtor’s right to modify a confirmed plan.

Sixth Circuit Allows Chapter 13 Debtors to Continue Retirement Plan Contributions

Sixth Circuit is the first court of appeals to take sides on a lower court split and opine that continuing to make voluntary contributions to retirement plans is excluded from ‘disposable income.’

An Exempt Asset Effectively Loses Its Exemption in Chapter 13

Lower courts are split on whether an exempt asset is included in the calculation of “projected disposable income” in chapter 13.
