
Texaco’s Plan in 1988 Wasn’t Grounds for Removal to Federal Court, Fourth Circuit Says

In a case that may be headed to the U.S. Supreme Court at least once more, the Fourth Circuit is subjecting 26 multinational oil companies to the tender mercies of the Maryland state courts.

Supreme Court Rules Again on Arbitration, Saying Nothing Explicitly About Bankruptcy

The Supreme Court is still giving no hints about whether arbitration agreements are enforceable in bankruptcy cases.

A Contempt Finding that’s Not ‘Final’ Can’t Be Appealed, Second Circuit Says

A prevailing party can’t appeal arguably erroneous findings.

Defamation and IIED Claims Are Not ‘Personal Injury Torts’

Section 157(b)(5) does not bar the bankruptcy court from trying defamation and IIED claims, Judge Thuma says, siding with Judge Bernstein.
