Administrative Expense Claims

Debtor’s Chapter 13 Counsel Properly Stiffed for End-of-Case Fees

Practice point: Be sure that a chapter 13 discharge excepts debtor’s unpaid counsel fees.

Contract Wages for Executives Are Not Presumptively Allowable Postpetition, BAP Says

An executive with a rejected contract must prove value to have an allowable administrative claim, 9th Circuit BAP says.

Prefiling Expenses Can’t Be Reimbursed in a Chapter 13 Plan in Western Louisiana

Debtor’s counsel can’t recover prefiling expenses in a ‘no money down’ bankruptcy in the W.D. La.

Leased but Unused Personal Property Qualifies for an Administrative Claim

Circuits are split on requiring use of leased equipment before allowing an administrative claim.

‘Local vs. National’ Rate Controversy Reemerges in a Catholic Diocese Reorganization

Montana judge cuts committee counsel’s interim allowance to rates charged by debtor’s counsel.

Interim Fee Awards in Chapter 13 Are OK Before Conversion

District judge changes local practice in the bankruptcy court on interim awards in chapter 13.
